Hot Stones Massage
Do you want your massage to be more relaxing and detoxifying? Himalayan Hot Stones will add that extra component to your massage!
Himalayan Hot Stone Therapy is a highly detoxifying type of massage. The stones themselves actually become the tools that you use, and the heat helps to relax the muscles and assimilate the circulation, allowing the toxins to come up to the surface of the skin. From the Primal Sea, where all life originated, Himalayan salt provides added benefits compared to traditional hot stone massage, using basalt stones.

Benefits of Hot Stone Massage
- Promotes deep muscle and tissue relaxation
- Alleviates stress
- Releases toxins
- Relieves pain
- Improves circulation
- Calms the psyche

Health Conditions Treated with Hot Stone Massage:
- Muscular aches and pains
- Back Pain
- MS
- Arthritis
- Fibromylagia
- Stress, Anxiety
- Circulatory problems
- Insomnia
- Depression

Additional Benefits of Himalayan Hot Stone Massage
- Alkalizes the skin
- Replenishes and nourishes your skin and body with 84 minerals
- Lightly exfoliates the skin
- Is highly relaxing
- Balances and neutralizes the ill effects of the toxic frequencies we live with every day.
- Is good for you and the earth (features low energy use, no water, and no chemicals)