Full Back Sculpting


The back is notorious for holding onto revealing fat that’s tough to get rid of. Back flab is a problem for both women and men—nobody enjoys struggling to fit into nice shirts or dresses or being afraid to wear bathing suits in public.

Fortunately, it’s still possible to reduce back fat when traditional weight loss methods don’t work!

The main reason why it’s so difficult for men and women to get rid of back fat is because it’s genetic. Back fat is less influenced by lifestyle choices than other problem areas—some people are genetically predisposed to store extra back fat, and hormone levels are a factor as well.

Since there are fewer muscles pushing back on stored fat in this part of the body, back fat is particularly revealing. Poor eating habits and a lack of exercise can hinder progress for people trying to lose back fat, but healthier living won’t make a big difference in this case.

I use ultrasound technology to liquefy the fat cells in the problem areas on your back and remove them with a gentle suction method. The human body doesn’t replace fat cells once they’re removed, so results of the procedure are lasting, especially for patients who stay active and maintain a healthy diet.

Unlike liposuction and other fat removal techniques there is no down time and you should notice a visible difference almost immediately and still get results up to 4 weeks later!